skinny dipping old people … take 2

So I’ve been blogging for nearly a year now.  I’m actually quite surprised at myself for managing such an impressive display of longevity – the whole thing started as a bit of a whim and I kind of expected it to go the way of my previous attempts at hobbies…gardening…tennis…daring kitchen … to name just a few random pursuits I’ve been really into that have inevitably fallen by the wayside with the passage of time.  But, for as long as I’m not bored with the blogging thing I will continue to post my ridiculous thoughts and musings here.   

Actually, I wish that I was able to devote more time to my blogging adventures, but unfortunately spare time seems to be a bit elusive at the moment and I struggle just to get through the stuff I have to do each day*, let alone indulging in stuff that I want to do! 

You might not know this, but the back-end of WordPress blogs is full of all sorts of useful (and useless) information – how many hits my blog gets each day, comments that people have made on posts, random and bizarre spam, stats on what links readers used to get to my blog and my favourite one of all – the words and phrases that people put into search engines that brought them to my blog.

This is my favourite because the most common phrase that shows up – and I’m talking every single day here – is ‘skinny dipping old people’.  I’m not even joking.  I guess they get directed to one of my earlier posts, which I’m pretty sure was actually about Packed to the Rafters, that has those words as the tag. 

This is quite hilarious to me for a couple of reasons – 1. because it never ceases to amaze me how many interesting and unusual people there are out there; and 2. because I can imagine that they must be so disappointed when their weirdo search directs them to my blog – there’s no doubt that it’s not at all what they were hoping for!

I hate to keep hilarity to myself, so here for your amusement is a little sample of just some of the search terms that brought readers to genevievearoundthecorner over the last 3 months:

family skinny dipping

older nudists

nude old people

naked old people

everyday old people naked

old nudists

skinny people nude

nudist colonies for old people

uninhibited nudists

old school nudist

really old nudists

vintage nudist

old people skinny dipping VIDEO


…and last but not least, my two favourites (although not related to nudists or nakedness) …

total and utter yawn making bore of bores

the jerk at work


How funny is that?  People are so weird, I just love it!

*go to work, clean the house, feed the kitties, play plants vs zombies…etc, etc.

3 comments on “skinny dipping old people … take 2

  1. Pingback: Vintage nudits | Swankyaffairs

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